The Greens Lawn Care Way
Greens Lawn Care has been in operation for over twenty years in central Kentucky. We are a family owned and operated company that specializes in weed control and fertilization programs. Our employees are highly trained and knowledgeable when it comes to diagnosing and treating any problems that occur with the best products on the market. All treatments are EPA approved and safe for the environment. We are dedicated to providing our customers with superior customer service.
Our Program
Our basic program consists of six timely applications applied throughout the year applied by licensed and trained professional technicians. Upon requesting an estimate we will have one of our veteran experts come by to assess your lawn and recommend a specific program for your lawn. We take pride in understanding the underlying biological processes that can cause a lawn to have problems and then prescribing the correct treatment plan for each situation. To learn more about our services click here, or if you are interested in a lawn analysis request a free estimate.
Contact Us
If you are already a customer and have a question regarding your lawn or your service you can contact us by clicking here.